Bosnia Pyramids --
Extraordinary Claims Need Extraordinary Evidence
By Mr. Doug Weller © 2006
Dear Dr. Dowell,
Although I am by no means a professional archaeologist I do have both academic and practical experience of archaeology as well as a good general academic background which I think has equipped me with the skills needed to understand research in a variety of fields. Those who know me know that I consider myself a skeptic, which to me means that all ideas, be they ‘sacred cows’ or radical new ideas, require the application of reason and the existence of convincing and agreed evidence. I’ve followed Semir Osmanagic’s Bosnian pyramid claims since they were first announced in the international press in 2005. I’ve watched the story develop and have tried to find out as much as I can about the various claims of different experts and have been fortunate to be in direct contact with some of the people who have either been directly involved or who have been there.
Because of my knowledge of similar claims, particularly where there are ‘interesting’ geological features involved, plus Osmanagic’s own statements about the Maya, Atlantis, and aliens, I will admit that I felt that such extraordinary claims were going to need really extraordinary evidence.
I have read the many articles that have been posted about Bosnia and Semir Osmanagic on your site. I’ve been looking at some of the photographs of Semir’s slide show or power point presentation and am fascinated by what they display and what Semir advertises.
Let me start by saying that there is
nothing wrong with fund raising for an archaeological dig. My questions are
about how the fundraising is being done and what it is for.
For convenience I will just list the slides with numbers and sub-titles.
Please click on thumbnails to enlarge pictures.
1 - Option B.
I look at this and think 'ok, protection/restoration, check. Economy,
scientific exchange, check, who could be against them? Bosnian adventure, tiny
country, civilizational face, archaeological giant. Hmm, alarm bells start
chiming softly.
2 - Ancient Writings --Inscriptions.
Monoliths? Writing? Whoa, whoa! Who has
seen more than one 'monolith'? [Note that since
Doug Weller originally wrote this letter more monoliths and writing have been
claimed after Dr. Dowell and Dr. Schoch came out with their reports of the
fraudulent inscriptions on the tunnel monolith --there will be more links added
soon to these papers.] Who has seen any writing?
Remember, writing isn't just a symbol or two. Writing means putting readable
symbols/characters together to make something that can be read. Nothing like
that has been found, and the inscriptions that have been found on *one* monolith
have been challenged.
3 - First European Archaeological park.
This is even more misleading. Nothing like the pictures here have been found, nothing that even looks as though it might look like those pictures has been found.
Restore and protect 4 different cultures? Bosnia, the tallest pyramid in the world? Respect Bosnia’s authentic past and respect will come to Bosnia for future generations. Restore --hang on a minute here; how can something be restored when no evidence is present that it exists? Protect? There has been no protection of the archeological sites in Visoko. The excavations are endangering and destroying valuable layers of earth undoubtedly containing artifacts of previous authentic cultures.
There is something twisted about all of this. This is beginning to smell like a real con game. This brings me back to question OPTION B;
Semir is asking people to invest in what?
Carving up hills to make the natural geology look like pyramids and roadways.
I've been complaining since the start about the inappropriate use of digging
machinery, which is neither protecting nor restoring the archaeology but is more
likely destroying the real archaeology to create something that will indeed be
manmade, but made by Osmanagic.
2. Scientific Exchange - we shall see. So
scientific reports
are being dismissed by Osmanagic if they are not in favour of his claims.
Bosnia's reputation will not be enhanced, indeed it
will be made worse, if this proves to be a pipedream. Nationalism is the
enemy of archaeology. The reputation of Japanese archaeologists was badly
damaged when it was discovered that amateur archaeologist Fujimura Shinichi had
been faking Paleolithic finds to prove that Japan's Paleolithic past had started
earlier than anywhere else in Asia. Fujimura's amazing finds had attracted a
lot of public support. The government named some of his sites as national
historical sites, the Agency for Cultural Affairs sponsored exhibitions, etc.
Local authorities used his finds to create tourist attractions, etc, all in aid
of the local economy and claims that their areas went back hundreds of thousands
of years. Obviously there are some important differences between the two
situations (one being that we haven't reached a conclusion to the Bosnian saga
yet and Osmanagic may well, probably does, believe in Bosnian pyramids, unlike
Fujimura). However, part of what drove Fujimura's success was nationalism, and
nationalism is often the enemy of scientific archeology.
3. European archaeological park - as I've
said, that drawing is extremely misleading.
'Pyramid of the Sun' -Does this look like a pyramid?
4. Pyramid of the Sun in Bosnia - What pyramid? What quality of respect will Bosnia and its youth gain by this? Osmanagic has put the cart before the horse. He has decided that there are pyramids there and rejects anything that might suggest there are no pyramids.
Osmanagic was inviting people to
invest to find out what was there,
that might be one thing.
But he isn't.
He is telling them what is there,
he is creating his own archaeology
as he goes along.
This is neither honest nor scientific.
Meanwhile there is not enough
money to properly investigate the real and fascinating archaeology of Bosnia.
For instance, only 7km from this site is what may be the largest Neolithic
village in Europe. John Bohannon, writing in
Science Magazine,
22 September 2006, said, “Over
the past 4 years, a team led by Kujundzic-Vejzagic and Johannes Müller, an
archaeologist at the University of Kiel, Germany, has been exploring a site near
the town of Okoliste, 7 km away from the pyramid hunt. It has been identified as
part of the Butmir culture, a source of richly decorated pottery and intricate
statuettes discovered in 1893. Research on these artifacts and related
7000-year-old dwelling sites could help answer one of the central questions of
prehistoric archaeology, says Müller:
‘How and why did we go from
simple, egalitarian societies of small settlements to complex, hierarchical
societies with big, dense settlements?’
But this project is in danger because of the Pyramid Phenomenon -- not
just because of funding, but, as Bohannon says,
‘..Kujundzic-Vejzagic says
she is on the verge of quitting. She says she's been the target of hate mail
from the pro-pyramid movement; no one in government has stepped forward to
defend her.’
If she goes, the entire Butmir project will probably fold.”
Osmanagic is doing is probably good for
the local tourist
industry and may be boosting Bosnia's self-image in the
short term. But, a tourist industry or self-image based on what isn't really
there won't last. Visocica hill has some fascinating stuff --not just the ruins
of the medieval Royal city, but quite possibly evidence that it was turned into
a defensive position during the Neolithic period. Let's see the real
archaeology of Bosnia explored and look at
its potential. The authentic, the true archaeology of
Bosnia’s history is where the respect will be gained.
I have found the comments and articles that the two of you have written before, during and after your trip to Bosnia have given me valuable insights into what is happening there, perhaps all the more useful as they haven’t come from what some might see as members of the establishment. The many photographs have been particularly useful in clarifying a number of issues, and I hope to see a fuller report on the geology at some future date.
Mr. Doug Weller
Director and Moderator The Hall of Ma'at
Doug's Archaeology Site:
Thanks to Dr. Colette Dowell for providing photographs and graphics for my paper.
If you would like to read Colette Dowell's comments in reply
to Mr. Doug Weller's letter please CLICK HERE.
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Dr. Colette M. Dowell, N.D.
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