Editor's note: Circular Times recognizes Dr. Vince DiPietro as a forthright scientist who was willing to come forward with information about water and life on Mars when NASA would never come forward with this information at that time. Now since the Mars Rover has been sampling Mars and "supposed" new information is being revealed to the public that yes, Mars has life and water on it, it seems odd that Dr. DiPietro has not been acknowledged for his progressive studies. There has been much information not released to the public for many years deliberately by NASA. Dr. DiPietro is one of the few NASA scientists who ventured on his own and wrote articles about what he knew and what he had discovered. Circular Times is proud to have been one of the first journals to publish Dr. DiPietro's analyses and honor him as an outstanding scientist who contributed significant research and data in the field of space exploration and the possibility of extraterrestrial life. Dr. Vince DiPietro originally wrote this article in 1997 and it was first published in Circular Times in 1997. Thank you Dr. DiPietro for your great achievements, insight and courage to write about that which you were aware so the public could read and become educated about information that would not have been released other wise. CMD
Report of Findings of Life on MARS
Copyright © 1997 by Vincent DiPietro
There have been several significant discoveries which point to the possibility that intelligent ancient life may have existed on Mars about 1.5 billion years ago. There are several research papers (many published years ago) and discoveries to backup this claim. It is timely to bring forth once again these scientific facts which have been virtually suppressed or rejected by so called "academicians" and concomitant peer inquisition.
The 1976 Viking images of the Cydonia region reveal one feature known as the "FACE", which appears to be a bi-symmetrical human face complete with mouth, teeth, eye sockets, eyeball with pupil, a hairline and / or headdress. (Unusual Mars Surface Features, DiPietro, Molenaar, Dr. Brandenburg , 1988)
Dr. Stan McDaniel published the McDaniel Report which on page 33, emphasizes the work of DiPietro and the image processing technique S.P.I.T. (Starburst Pixel Interleaving Technique) , invented by the research team. Excerpts of the work can be seen at the following web pages: http://ourworld.compuserve.com:80/homepages/mcdrpt/ [This link is no longer functioning]
Evidence of water, oxygen, and oceans on Mars have been known since 1976. e.g., ref. EP-146, Mars: The Viking Discoveries, 10/ 1977, Brevan M. French - (Chief: Extraterrestrial Materials Research Program, Office of Lunar and Planetary Programs, Office of Space Sciences, NASA).
Hartman's Model in the Journal of Geophysical Research, volume 78, no. 20, dated July 10, 1973, pages 4096-4116, suggest an age of the Cydonia site at 600 million years ago, not a half million as proposed by some writers.
Brandenburg and DiPietro have published "The Cydonia Hypothesis" in the Journal of Scientific Exploration, volume 5, no. 1, pages 1-25, suggesting there was an ancient civilization that perished over one billion years ago.
DiPietro published, 'Did the Lyot Impact end the Liquid Water Era on Mars?' : Mars Eos at the American Geophysical Union in Baltimore, June 2, 1995 76,17, p. 197. The paper suggests that the meteorites examined by Dr. Nagy with the fossils have come from Mars. (Ref. Items G. and H. below) The meteorites exhibit water spots and mineral layers which suggest that their origin is from a place with gravity such as a planet. The most likely planet with water and gravity is Mars. The crater Lyot (pronounced Leo) may have been responsible for the damage to the planet, and the extinction of life there. Crater Lyot dates at 300 million years ago.
Dr. Ian Wright has analyzed SNC meteorites taken from the Antarctic region of the Earth. The general opinion of many scientists around the world is that these meteorites are now believed to have come from Mars. Within the meteorites, Dr. Wright also found traces of ORGANIC CARBON. The organic carbon has been dated at 200 million years old. Dr. Wright has published his findings in NATURE, volume 340, July 20, 1989, pages 220-222.
Dr. Bartholomew Nagy of the University of Arizona had published a book, Carbonaceous Meteorites, in 1975, a culmination of work as far back as 1966; (30 years ago, prior to the Viking spacecraft's encounter with Mars). The book describes his findings of the 1-4 billion years old meteorites from Orgueil, France; Ivuna, Africa and Revelstoke, Canada. What appear to be fossil remains of creatures including cellular structure have been found and pictured in the book. Further evidence which describes the DNA in the meteorites as right-handed is unlike Earth biological entities which exhibit left-handed DNA. Dr. Nagy believed that the meteorites had their origin from extraterrestrial sources, and it was not until recently that these same meteorites were identified as having had there origin on Mars. Because the meteorite from Orgueil was contaminated with earth organisms, the entire report was discredited, and thus Dr. Nagy's research effort was not available to the world community. The meteorite under NASA study (ALH84001) was just found twelve years ago on the Antarctic ice; it came to Earth 13,000 years ago. The Antarctic meteorite is also of the class of meteorites in the 4 billion year range which have the high concentration of PAHs polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. These class of meteorites are not to be confused with the younger ones such as the one that Dr. Ian Wright examined (Elephant Moraine A79001) which was collected from Antarctica in 1979 and whose geological age is estimated at 200 million years old. Dr. Nagy's book was published in the Netherlands by Elsevier Scientific Publishing, published -M 211, Jan van Galenstraat 335, Amsterdam, and also by Elsevier Scientific Publishing Co., 52 Vanderbilt Avenue, New York, New York 10017. The book has been found at the GSFC library and is also listed by the same number at other government facilities, RES QE 395 .N33 C.1 76-016963. It is also listed as the library of Congress Card # 73-89156, and the ISBN 0-444-41189-5).
NOTE: Dr. Nagy did very good work, but it was not considered "good Science" because the Meteorite from France, Orgueil was contaminated with Earth biological entities. The meteorite sat around in a museum for many years and was handled by a great number of people. Dr. Nagy passed away this year, and is not able to defend his pioneering effort, but Dr. John Brandenburg managed to converse with Dr. Nagy several times. Dr. Nagy insisted up until his death that he did indeed show that the fossils that he found were not from this Earth. To quote Dr. Nagy, "Perhaps it is well not to draw conclusions, but it appears most likely that the carbonaceous compounds and small carbonaceous objects found in these meteorites would be confidently assumed to be of biological origin if found on earth." ( If these biological entities were presented as having come from Earth, there would be no doubt of their biological origin. But, because they were presented as having come from an extraterrestrial source, there was an element of doubt.) By comparison to higher learning institution standards, there is no room in science for 'Bs' or 'Cs' or 90s or 80s. In science, there is only '100' or 'zero'. Because Dr. Nagy's work had been flawed, he wound up with the zero, and for the punishment of the people of the world, we were denied the results of this important discovery for decades. A similar thing happened to Gregor Mendel and his heredity experiments with his pea plants. Because it was considered to be heresy, his work was mostly destroyed, and did not surface for nearly 100 years later, again setting back knowledge. Remember Galileo and the four large moons of Jupiter that the church clergy refused to look through his telescope and see for themselves, setting back astronomy hundreds of years? And just what about the scientists who refused to see the pictures of the Face in Cydonia by 'covering their eyes', so that they could confidently say to 'whoever' that they had never 'seen' pictures or evidence of a Face on Mars? Is this good science? Is this politics as we are used to knowing it? Will it ever change?
J.E.Brandenburg, published 'The Possible Parent Body of the CI Carbonaceous Chrondrites', Mars Eos at the American Geophysical Union in Baltimore, Spring, 1995, 76,17, p.197.Brandenburg emphasizes that the meteors Nagy examined (Orgueil, France and Ivuna, Africa) definitely came from Mars. These meteors are in the same time class as ALH84001; 4 1/2 billion years old. J. J.E.Brandenburg, published 'Mars as the parent Body of the CI Carbonaceous Chrondrites', Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 23, no. 9, pages 961-964, May 1, 1996. This paper re-emphasizes Nagy's work. K. In 1980 Dr. Leonard Martin of the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona discovered a large water spout erupting in two 1976 Viking images. The two images, 775A10 and 775A11 were overlapping photos taken 4-1/2 seconds apart in the Solis Planum region (formerly known as Solis Lacus), which clearly show this geyser eruption of water and was published in the NASA Activities, Dec. 1980, vol.11, no.12. The images, 775A10 and 775A11 are included in the referenced book, Unusual Mars Surface Features (pages 60-66). This area is significant in establishing that water still exists on Mars. If NASA is serious about retrieving "possible LIVE" specimens from Mars, this is the place to go. Peroxides cannot exist in this warm wet environment, but mold, bacteria and other "buggies" can and probably do.
Planum Water Spout Discovered by Dr. Leonard Martin Frame: 775A10 SPIT
Processed Courtesy: 'Unusual Mars Surface Features' Copyright 1997 by
Vincent DiPietro
NOTE: Like all of the work that we have done on the Cydonia region, Dr. Martin's work also has never been seen or heard from again since 1980. When I went to Flagstaff, to the Lowell Observatory a few years ago, the attendants at the visitor's center informed me that Dr. Martin was still there, but none of them had ever heard of the water spout, and of course, the pictures were NOT on display. It seems like almost a conspiracy to cover-up any evidence that Mars could have had or still contains the prime ingredients for life.
Fission such as that from a nuclear reactor or bomb produces IODINE129 which has a half life of 17 million years releasing beta particles and XENON129 ; the second generation of a radioactive component produced when nuclear fission occurs. XENON129 which is stable and lasts forever, is found in abundance in Mars' atmosphere. I first heard about the radioactive XENON129 from Dr. John Brandenburg. There may be a smoking gun here that suggests some nuclear fission took place on Mars. On the contrary, the accepted scientific explanation for why Mars even has any XENON129 is only a theory: Billions of years ago before the sun and solar system formed, there was a supernova which produced the XENON129. Remnants are found all over the solar system, and on the solar system bodies that were probed. The mystery to this theory is that there is a much larger quantity of XENON 129 found on Mars. Where did all of the extra XENON129 come from? And why on Mars?
Special Note:
After the Mars Observer Spacecraft was lost (explanation given was rupture of the fuel containment and bladder when pressurized causing the spacecraft to spin out of control), a panel was set up at JPL to study alternative spacecraft to be sent to Mars. (Ref. above report by DiPietro April 19, 1994). The panel was run by prominent astronomers and JPL staff. Three proposals came forward:
1. Fly a clone of the M.O. to be launched by the Space Shuttle or a Titan III.
2. Fly a spacecraft known as "Clementine" built by the Naval Research Lab.
3. Fly two spacecraft known as "Misty" built jointly by the Air Force Phillips lab and JPL.
The sources of the information were from the Pentagon personnel, sympathetic JPL staff, and personnel from the Naval Research Lab. According to one of these sources (who does not wish to be named), "the council was a travesty, like a kangaroo court, packed with JPL supporters who would do and say anything to keep JPL in control of any spacecraft going to Mars." One of the senior scientists "went berserk and severely criticized the JPL staffer supporting Clementine." Clementine was reviewed as a lighter, cheaper (1/10 the cost of M.O.), faster spacecraft with such features as a camera on a movable platform, whereas M.O. was on a fixed platform which contributes to skewing (blurring) of the data. A movable platform can also target an area, whereas a fixed platform can only take pictures of targeted areas by chance. Other features of Clementine include thermal infrared bands which can be used to detect presence of water and a resolution of 5 meters per pixel. M.O. does not have these features.
There have been numerous newspaper, magazine, television, and radio coverage of articles on the Mars findings since 1979. Unfortunately, there have been other writers who have distorted the research data which DiPietro, Molenaar, and Brandenburg have worked with. These other writers have invented speculative ideas about the findings without supporting evidence and without having published accepted refereed papers in any journal. The researchers - DiPietro, Molenaar, and Brandenburg do not support the claims of those who have distorted the data as it was originally presented. We urge all those who are interested in our work on Mars to contact his or her Congressional Representative and Senator to promote further studies of the planet Mars. We endorse the Manned Mission to Mars by the United States government, however unlikely it appears to be in today's political arena. We welcome scientific study of our work, and await new data from new spacecraft. There are several goals presented in conjunction with the research work that this writer is now engaged:
1. Credit Dr. B. Nagy for his pioneering effort with the fossils in the 1-4 billion year old meteorites from Mars.
2. Reassign the prime landing site for the next Mars lander to be at the water spout in Solis Planum (formerly Solis Lacus). Dr. Leonard Martin should be acknowledged for making this important discovery.
3. Assign new spacecraft to take high resolution photos of the FACE in Cydonia (at least 10 times greater resolution.) If our data and enhancement methods are correct, the eyeball and teeth should become visible.
Since the first time I viewed the FACE in 1977 in an obscure magazine, I have been searching for data to either confirm the FACE was formed by natural methods or by artificial means. I feel at this time we have the technical capabilities to complete this process. Its time for closure on this subject so that we may move on.
By Vincent DiPietro
Vincent DiPietro, a senior systems engineer, has been employed as a contractor at Goddard Space Flight Center for the last twenty-two years. He obtained his Engineering Associates through John Hopkins University and the University of Maryland. Mr. DiPietro has designed, built and delivered, several electronic hardware packages for use in Image Processing Equipment at Goddard Space Center. These packages have been used in support of the Landsat - MSS and RBV programs, and the NIMBUS - CZCS programs. Mr. DiPietro has performed his independent image enhancements of selected VIKING data sets using digital tape as a source. Several processes are demonstrated in the image analysis study that he has prepared, including one of his own invention, known as Starburst Pixel Interleaving Technique (SPIT). The digital image processes were used in the preparation of 35mm. slides mostly over the Cydonia region of Mars, where some interesting observations were made. The enhancements have revealed detail in an object of controversy - the 'FACE on MARS'. The detail does not manifest itself clearly in the original archival photos, but is clearly seen in the slides. Mr. DiPietro and his associates have self published a full description of this work in a book entitled 'Unusual Mars Surface Features', Fourth Edition, 1988.
by DiPietro and Molenaar.
This publication will be provided to all interested persons in the U.S.A. at a cost of $18.00 each including postage. Persons outside the U.S.A. add $7.00 for postage and handling. All orders should be made in U.S.A. dollars payable to a U.S.A. bank. Also offered is a 17 inch x 21 inch poster of the FACE and surrounding area, and bumper stickers which display the words - MANNED MARS MISSION - U.S.A., and lapel pins (1-1/2 inch in diameter) which read - MARS OR BUST. The posters or bumper stickers are $5.00 each or 2/ $9.00. The pins are $2.50 each. Add $4.00 for postage and handling outside of the U.S.A. To Order: Mars Research, Vince DiPietro,P.O.Box 284, Glenn Dale, Maryland, 20769
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