An International Networking Educational Institute
Intellectual, Scientific and Philosophical Studies
Notice About Circular Times
AS of July of 2007, Robert Schoch is no longer involved with this publication.
Below is the text written for the initial introduction of Robert into Circular
Times as a contributing co-editor, however, he was unable to contribute
and there have been
many problems to deal with. The URL
was the home of
Circular Times after was taken before the redemption periods
were in affect.
The Official Website of Robert was secondary and placed at a
later time, that is why Circular Times was linked to the home page as it was
actually the index page. I had to rig it that way to get both sites up because
all articles were under Circular Times, not an "Official Website" for him. The
was owned by Steve LeMaster. will continue as the URL for Circular Times as
well as
and - the .com is still under another's term. I had
originated that URL in 1996 and lost if when I was out of the country and
forgot to renew it in 2003. All articles that are linked will remained linked and not be
disturbed while the new Circular Times is under construction.
Robert Schoch Self Portrait, June of 2007
I have received some emails asking about Robert and I have not known how to respond. We are no longer working together and some day I may have to write up what has transpired. I have been waiting for some change in events, however at this time all I can report is no change. I will continue on as I always have. I thank the many people who have sent me letters telling me they like Circular Times so much and what a fantastic site it is. I really do appreciate the nice comments as I do work hard on it as I want to share interesting things. Thank you for all of the great support. Colette Dowell
The Official Website of
Dr. Robert M. Schoch, Ph.D. & Dr. Colette M. Dowell, N.D.
(Is still kind of under construction.)
Please enter the Table of Contents on the Home Page of CT to see the
menu of articles and topics or click the link to Table of Contents.
I am Dr. Colette M. Dowell, founding editor and publisher of CIRCULAR TIMES. My background in anomalies research stems from over three decades searching for the truths among many diverse fields. I enjoy astronomy, archaeology, archaeoastronomy, paleontology, anthropology, geology, studies of human origins, ancient wisdom texts, the history of science, the study of preternatural events and information, alternative energy, the pursuit of alternative healing modalities, and just basically anything that is thought-provoking, stimulating, and progressive towards understanding the human psyche and our origins as a species. My most fundamental concerns involve how we can all make a contribution toward creating a better world to live in.
Dr. Robert M. Schoch is a long-time colleague and we share common interests and research. We have teamed up now to recreate CIRCULAR TIMES. CIRCULAR TIMES was originally a print magazine, with the first issue published during the summer of 1995. Two volumes (four issues) were brought out in hard copy during 1995-1996, and later it became an early webzine, before retiring for some years. Now we are bringing back CIRCULAR TIMES as a new website. We will post classic archived articles and also publish new information and submissions. We are dedicating this space to interesting, educational, and inspirational studies.
CIRCULAR TIMES originally carried the subtitle An International Networking Educational Forum For Progressive Intellectual Studies. Dr. Schoch and I have changed the CIRCULAR TIMES subtitle to: An International Networking Educational Institute: Intellectual, Scientific and Philosophical Studies. We want to bring to you innovative discoveries and curious thoughts as well as share ancient texts and various trends of philosophies, cultural traits, and cosmology throughout history. Dr. Schoch is a Ph.D. geologist and geophysicist, and author of many wonderful books; he has a keen appreciation for art, literature, photography, ancient texts, and cultural expression. I am a Naturopathic Doctor as well as a classical musician, artist, photographer, general contractor, and I hold degrees in divinity and philosophy.
Both Dr. Schoch and I are fortunate in having been able to associate and work along side many of the outstanding authors, professors, scientists, and special individuals of our time. Unfortunately, some of these individuals have either retired or passed away. We hold their original material in high regard, and wish it to be disseminated among future generations, encouraging further studies and new explorations. We respect our dear friends and colleagues who have changed the understanding of world history, of science, and have challenged the dogma of modern times and brought new discoveries into this ever-changing world. For their efforts and achievements we endearingly acknowledge their contributions. We hope to continue contributing to the vast body of knowledge that ties together the threads of wisdom and understanding. We encourage others to do the same.
CIRCULAR TIMES (CT) is oriented towards seeking truth, and endeavors that are positive, educational, and uplifting to human development. Thought-provoking studies that enrich our lives are welcome. Contributions to the Institute are appreciated. We encourage academics as well as others to submit papers. If your paper is of a controversial or cutting-edge nature, it should be documented and intelligently presented. While we are open-minded and encourage submissions, CT reserves the right to reject articles submitted for publication. In some cases, we may request changes or additions to an article prior to publication. Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Articles published by CT represent the opinions of the authors and not those of CT, Dr. Schoch, or Dr. Dowell. Articles may be published simply for their heuristic value in provoking thought and further discussion and research.
Funny, true, outrageous stories and events are welcomed and may be awarded the PLUTO PRIZE for being really out there! Cute original cartoons are also wonderful to receive. Book reviews and upcoming events, news items, and whatever is happening that we need to know may be submitted as well. If you would like to reprint any of the information contained in CT, please contact CT for permission, and Dr. Dowell or Dr. Schoch will direct you to the authors. Do not copy material from CT without permission. Be responsible please. All applicable material is under copyright.
Here are the covers of the original four issues of CT. If you click on the covers you will find comments and articles from those particular issues. Reading them will give you a feel for what CIRCULAR TIMES was and is. Thanks to Dr. Schoch for taking all of these photos so the original illustrations and artwork is still available. Most of the illustrations are my personal artwork. If it is not, you will see “courtesy of” the particular artist or photographer. We like to feature artists and photographers in CT. Please feel free to submit your artwork and photography along with your bio and permission to publish. All creative submissions will be reviewed. Please enter the Table of Contents on the Home Page of CT to see the menu of articles and topics or click the link to Table of Contents.
Thank you very much,
Dr. Colette M. Dowell, N.D.
A personal note from Dr. Robert M. Schoch:
I am very pleased to be working with my colleague and friend, Dr. Colette M. Dowell, to revive CIRCULAR TIMES. The purpose of CT, as I see it, is to provide an outlet for creative studies and cutting-edge research. Many of the articles found in CT are of a highly controversial nature, and Dr. Dowell and I may not agree with the conclusions, and we may not even endorse the subject matter. However, that does not mean such articles do not have merit; right or wrong, they may inspire others to think deeply and discover new insights and truths. If so, they have served a noble purpose. Please enjoy CIRCULAR TIMES!
Please click the cover to see some particular comments in that issue.
Please remember we are still under construction.
Thank you !
(But don't bother clicking the covers yet-there are no links !)
CT I-One
Good Stuff
Pluto Prize
Cosmic Fun
Otros Mundos
The Web
Good Stuff
Pluto Prize
CT III-Winter
Cosmic Fun
Pluto Prize
CT IV-Spring
Photographs of CIRCULAR TIMES
courtesy of Dr. Robert M. Schoch
An International Networking Educational Institute
Intellectual, Scientific and Philosophical Studies
Copyright © 1995, 2005, 2007